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The program will be articulated in six work-packages (WP) clustering affine specialties.
The figure on the right panel provides a graphical overview on the two-level organization of HYRENE. The first level (represented by the green outer hexagon) will focus on the deep phenotyping of patients with hypertension with the prospect of development of cutting-edge diagnostic approaches. Here, six intra- disciplinary task forces (each working under the responsibility of one WP leading team) will investigate the sensitivity, specificity, and the clinical feasibility of the targeted diagnostic strategies. The second level of the program (inner hexagon) will address the investigation of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying resistant hypertension in pre-clinical models and in patients. Well-defined inter-disciplinary projects (red dots) will be implemented to promote the translation of the scientific and technological advances of the pre- clinical research into patient care (bench-to- bedside), and back (bedside-to-bench), and to support the interdisciplinary education of young clinical scientists. Dynamic retinal vessel analysis, multi-steroid profile, analysis of urine exosomes, 23Na- and 1H-MRI of organs of main RAAS activity, and screening tests will be performed in hypertensive patients, risk subjects, and of healthy controls (yellow arrow) to provide a comprehensive profile of the hypertensive patients, i.e. to fulfill the utmost aim of our program.